Friday, April 19, 2013

A Sunday finding

On a common Sunday escape with Big we decided to have picnic at the forest!Even better idea Big had was to visit the house and the surrounding garden of the former royal family of Greece.
To my big surprise that was a def keeper Sunday walk!
Although the royal mansion and the majority of the buildings weren’t visitable as now they belong to the state and the place is in general pretty abandoned, the nature took care of the gardens that were full of flowers and trees!
The ideal scene not only for a luxurious picnic but also for another Nikon photo shooting!Here I am sharing with you some mine and some old photos I found online just to put your feet even for a while into their royal shoes!Enjoy!






Kate Astolat said...

Nature takes revenge and a beautiful scenery is now revealed!
Great pics girl!

elenoula said...

Thanks Kate!