Friday, January 20, 2012

The bird on the branch

Generally I am not so good giving tutorials since most of the times either I start creating without having something specific in my mind or I am so impatient to come up with a result that I don't even have the patience to stop in order to take some step by step pictures.
However, this time I decide to surprise myself (and fascinate you) with a step by step really easy to make tutorial! So, I name this tutorial ''The bird on the branch'' You know how in the fairy tales the princesses always wake up with little birds chirping a sweet melody. Wouldn't that be nice? Maybe our bird won't chirp at the end but with all the noise we have in our world sometimes silence is just as nice!!

You will need:
a branch of a tree
needle and thread
stuffing or tissue paper

Firstly, cut out your body part.  Cut 2 of them.
Then cut a wing kind of tear drop shape.
Then a beak.Make the beak bigger than you want to show so it will get sewn in.

Then sew the wing on the body. Then place the beak sandwiched between the two parts. Sew around and don't forget to stuff it!

Then sew the bird to the branch. (if your bird has trouble to stand up you can put a strip of hot glue along the back so it will stand up. Tadaaaaaa!!! Place it where ever you need a little bird to be in your life...


Anzouya said...

So cute and so easy to make! Thanks for sharing.
It seems that you've been crafting a lot, judging by the paint all over your hands. ;-)

elenoula said...

OOOps...!I just revealed my new project that it will be posted soon!! :))

Eva's blog said...

πολυ ωραιο!Καλως με βρικες και σου ανταποδιδω την επισκεψη!ομορφο το blog σου!!!

Vivika said...

Αχ τι γλυκούλι! Καλώς σε βρήκα και εγώ λοιπόν!

elenoula said...

kalos sas vrika koritsia! xairomai pou sas arese!


καλώς σε βρίσκω! είναι πανέμορφο το πουλάκι, έτοιμο να κελαηδίσει! φιλιά και θα τα λέμε


Καλώς σε βρήκα κι εγώ.Επιτέλους και μερικές αναλυτικές οδηγίες. Πολύ όμορφο το πουλάκι. Καλή συνέχεια.