Monday, January 9, 2012

Love at first sight!

I knew it from the very first moment that the Random Tutorial Generator would be my new obsession!That is the coolest thing I came across lately.As the creator says: The Random Tutorial Generator is all about serendipity. It's to help you find something when you don't know what you are looking for!
Imaging it like and endless source of random inspiration Just push the red button and be prepared to spend hours and hours searching any kind of tutorial the generator can find.YEAP, I AM IN LOVE!!! And as you assume I am making a lot of effort to concentrate and be creative rather than being a couch potatoe in front of the pc...

 Many thanks to Anzouya for opening my eyes!


Anzouya said...

I've warned you it could be highly addictive! ;-)
I've been saving and pinning new ideas like crazy but I haven't found the time or energy to try anything out yet! I'm more of a couch potato these days... :-(
Good luck with your discoveries and thanks for mentioning me! :-)